2016 Senior Reserves

carterton2 eastc  tuhi feather redstargladstone2

burger pio_over greytown_15 marist_masterton puketoi pioneer2  burger

Burger King
Senior Reserves (Kick off 1pm unless otherwise stated)

2015 Burger King Champions – Pioneer
{Venue – MP = Trusthouse Memorial Park}

Home vs Away Venue
Martinborough Default.to marist_masterton Marist Martinborough
Carterton carterton2 20 v 07 eastc East Coast Carterton
Featherston feather 03 v 53 pioneer2 Pioneer Featherston
Greytown greytown_15 52 v 00 gladstone2 Gladstone Greytown
Puketoi puketoi 00 v 59 tuhi Tuhirangi Puketoi
Pioneer Greys pio_over 10 vs 45 redstar Mstn Red Star MP 1
Home vs Away Venue
Martinborough 27 v 12 carterton2 Carterton Martinborough
Pioneer pioneer2 23 v 05 greytown_15 Greytown Pioneer
Marist marist_masterton 14 v 29 tuhi Tuhirangi MP2
Gladstone gladstone2 36 v 43 eastc East Coast Gladstone
Pioneer Greys pio_over 17 v 24 feather Featherston MP 3
Mstn Red Star redstar 33 v 29 puketoi Puketoi MP 1
Home vs Away Venue
Carterton carterton2 00 v 49 greytown_15 Greytown Carterton
Gladstone gladstone2 07 v 81 marist_masterton Marist Gladstone
Pioneer pioneer2 99 v 00 eastc East Coast MP2
Puketoi puketoi 12 v 36 Martinborough Puketoi
Mstn Red Star redstar 34 v 20 feather Featherston MP 1
Tuhirangi tuhi 41 v 07 pio_over Pioneer Greys Tuhirangi
Home vs Away Venue
East Coast eastc 15 v 36 redstar Mstn Red Star East Coast
Greytown greytown_15 41 v 38 Martinborough Greytown
Carterton carterton2 19 v 43 pio_over Pioneer Greys Carterton
Marist marist_masterton 22 v 32 pioneer2 Pioneer MP2
Featherston feather 03 v 13 puketoi Puketoi Featherston
Tuhirangi tuhi Won by Default  gladstone2 Gladstone Tuhirangi
 TBA = to Be Advised 
Home vs Away Venue
Pioneer pioneer2 20 v 14 redstar Mstn Red Star Pioneer
Marist marist_masterton 63 v 07 eastc East Coast MP 1
Martinborough 21 v 17 pio_over Pioneer Greys Martinborough
Tuhirangi tuhi 40 v 13 greytown_15 Greytown Tuhirangi
Featherston feather 27 v 10 gladstone2 Gladstone Featherston
Puketoi puketoi 53 v 00 carterton2 Carterton Puketoi
Home vs Away Venue
Gladstone gladstone2 10 v 34 puketoi Puketoi  (FRIDAY NIGHT) Gladstone
Pioneer pioneer2 33 v 17 Martinborough Pioneer
East Coast eastc 07 v 102 tuhi Tuhirangi East Coast
Featherston feather 46 v 05 carterton2 Carterton Featherston
Pioneer Greys pio_over 24  v 15 marist_masterton Marist MP 1
Greytown greytown_15 30 v 14 redstar Mstn Red Star Greytown
Home vs Away Venue
Gladstone  gladstone2 12.v.31 pio_over Pioneer Greys Gladstone
Tuhirangi  tuhi 12 v 17 pioneer2 Pioneer Tuhirangi
East Coast  eastc 00 v 61 feather Featherston East Coast
Puketoi  puketoi 19 v 30 greytown_15 Greytown Puketoi
Mstn Red Star  redstar 40.v.24 Martinborough THMP
Carterton  carterton2 05 v 66 marist_masterton Marist Carterton
Home vs Away Venue
Pioneer Greys  pio_over 21 v 23 puketoi Puketoi Pioneer
East Coast  eastc 00 v 96 greytown_15 Greytown East Coast
Marist  marist_masterton 46 v 19 feather Featherston Marist
Carterton  carterton2 Defaulted to pioneer2 Pioneer Carterton
Gladstone  gladstone2 00 v 60 redstar Mstn Red Star Gladstone
Martinborough 12 v 64 tuhi Tuhirangi Martinborough
Home vs Away Venue
Greytown  greytown_15 36 v 08 pio_over Pioneer Greys Greytown
East Coast  eastc Won by Default  Martinborough East Coast
Pioneer  pioneer2 81 v 00 gladstone2 Gladstone Pioneer
Marist  marist_masterton 12 v 15 puketoi Puketoi Marist
Mstn Red Star  redstar 70 v 12 carterton2 Carterton THMP
Featherston  feather 03 v 58 tuhi Tuhirangi Featherston
Home vs Away Venue
Gladstone  gladstone2 15 v 82 Martinborough Gladstone  (FRIDAY NIGHT)
Pioneer Greys  pio_over 50 v 17 pioneer2 Pioneer Pioneer
Mstn Red Star  redstar 22 v 35 marist_masterton Marist THMP
Puketoi  puketoi 10 v 03 eastc East Coast Puketoi
Tuhirangi  tuhi 59 v 05 carterton2 Carterton Tuhirangi
Featherston  feather 10 v 77 greytown_15 Greytown Featherston
11-Jun-16   {Provisional}
Home vs Away Venue
East Coast  eastc vs pio_over Pioneer Greys East Coast
Puketoi  puketoi 12 v 47 pioneer2 Pioneer Puketoi
Tuhirangi  tuhi 22 v 29 redstar Mstn Red Star Tuhirangi
Greytown  greytown_15 27 v 53 marist_masterton Marist Greytown
Carterton  carterton2 44 v 07 gladstone2 Gladstone Carterton
Martinborough 38 v 22 feather Featherston Martinborough