Agenda 52nd AGM WBRU 2023
VENUE: 149 Dixon Street, Masterton, Wairarapa Bush Club House, Time: 7.00pm
Patron: Eric Kenny
President: G Anderson Vice President: S Thompson
WBRU Board Members: J Carruthers, S Parker, B Bingham, R Cherry-Campbell, S Draper, T Isaac
Voting Delegates
Carterton Ruqby Club | |
East Coast Ruqby Club | |
Eketahuna Ruqby Club | |
Featherston Ruqby Club | |
Gladstone Ruqby Club | |
Grevtown Ruqby Club | |
Marist Rugby Club | |
Martinborough Rugby Club | |
Masterton Red Star Rugby Club | |
Pioneer Rugby Club | |
Puketoi Rugby Club | |
Tuhirangi Rugby Club | |
WB Referees Association | |
WBRU Junior Advisory Board | |
WBRU Maori | |
WBRU Secondary Schools |
1. | Presidents Welcome
Bereavements to 31 December 2022 Roll Call of Votinq Deleqates Minutes of the 51st AGM |
Welcome from President G Anderson to the 52nd AGM
President to read the President’s Re2ort for 2022 President to call for Apologies AGM to acknowledge Bereavements for 2022 CEO to conduct the roll call of voting Minutes of 51st AGM to be adopted |
3. 4. 5. |
6. Matters Arisin | ||
7. Adoption of the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2022. | Jason Carruthers Chairman of the WBRU to present the Chair’s 2022 Annual Report.
Tony Hargood to present the 2022 Financial Ref?_ort for 2022. |
8. Appointment of Independent Board Members | There is no appointments of Independent Directors for this term of office. |
9. Election of Council of Club Board
members |
The Constitution requires each year, two
appointments to the WBRU Board from the Council of Clubs, namely the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Clubs. The Council of Clubs have elected. Tavita Isaac (Chairman) Charlie Bargh (Deputy Chairman) No motion is required |
10. Consideration of remits | Remit: Wairarapa Wahine Toa Incorporated application to be affiliated into the Wairarapa Bush Rugby Union.
Notice of Remit sent to members on 1 April 2023 Moved by Gladstone Rugby Football Club Seconded by Carterton Rugby Club, Martinborough Rugby Club and East Coast Rugby Club. Voting will be as per rule 15.2 (b) of the WBRU Constitution “Election shall be by ballot, with a majority of the eligible votes cast required for an election.” |
11. Appointment of Patron | The AGM will be asked to re-appoint Eric Kenny as Patron of WBRU. | |
12. Appointment of Auditors | Sellar and Sellar to be appointed as auditors for 2023. | |
13. Appointment of President | There is no requirement of election for President as the appointment is for a two year period expiring 2024.
President, Graeme Anderson. |
14. Appointment of Vice President | There is no requirement of election for Vice President as the appointment is for a two year period expiring 2024.
Vice President, Steve Thompson. |
15. Life Membership | There are no nominations for Life Membership | |
16. Remuneration (if any) of Board members | Motion:
The Chairman’s honourium be unchanged for 2023. This is a reimbursement for expenses incurred in the position and is set at $3,000.00 per annum |
17. | General Business | Presentation of the Brian Lochore Rugby Foundation. |
17. | Closing of Meeting | Meeting to be closed |
President: D Bracewell, Vice President: G Anderson
WBRU Board Members: J Carruthers, S Parker, T Isaac, S Draper, R Cherry-Campbell, B Bingham
NZRU: J Kirkup
Life Members: F Mcleod, J Percy
WBRU Staff: T Hargood, S Puddy
Voting Delegates:
Carterton Rugby Club | S Hurley |
East Coast Rugby Club | J Percy |
Eketahuna Rugby Club | No Delegate |
Featherston Rugby Club | Proxy given to Greytown |
Gladstone Rugby Club | A McKay |
Greytown Rugby Club | T Isaac |
Marist Rugby Club | T Beech |
Martinborough Rugby Club | S Draper |
Masterton Red Star Rugby Club | B Todd |
Pioneer Rugby Club | D Mitchell |
Puketoi Rugby Club | L Pitt |
Tuhirangi Rugby Club | S Dormer |
WB Referees Association | G Reisima |
WBRU Junior Advisory Board | No Delegate |
WBRU Maori | T Nathan |
WBRU Secondary Schools | D Van Deventer |
Other Attendees
S Thompson, M Beaver, R Dahlberg, S Puddy, P Griffith, T Heming, R Playle,
B Playle, B Hansen, R Carroll, WBRU Supporters Club representative.
1. Presidents Welcome | President D Bracewell welcomed all to the 2022
AGM. |
2. Apologies | R Francis, D Galvin, S Tatana, E Kenny, S Collins, R Ward, M Mutu, B Harvey, C Hayton |
3. Bereavements to 31 December 2021 | Bereavements acknowledged
Life Member Baden Whale A moment silence was held |
4. Roll Call of Voting Delegates | Roll call conducted by CEO of voting |
5. Minutes of the 50th AGM | The minutes of the 50th AGM were presented at the AGM.
Motion: “Moved that the Minutes of the 50th AGM be adopted” Moved: R Cherry-Campbell |
6. Matters Arisen | There were no matters arisen |
7. Adoption of the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2021. | President D Bracewell presented his report for 2021
Chair J Carruthers presented his report for 2021 Sharon Parker (Chair of WBRU Audit & Risk) presented the 2021 Financial Accounts. Motion “The Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2021 be adopted.” Moved: S Parker |
The WBRU Independent Board Selection Panel announced their recommendations for the Independent Board members position
John Kirkup, Chair of the Board Selection Panel and NZRU representative announced the appointment of J Carruthers and Sharon Parker be appointed for a term of 3 years (2022 to 2024). The Board Selection Panel stated that under the constitution, J Carruthers is in his final term of 3 years as an Independent Board member. No motion required |
9. Election of Council of Club Board members | No motion required
The Constitution requires each year, two appointments to the WBRU Board from the council of clubs, namely the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Clubs. The Council of Clubs have approved. Tavita Isaac (Chairman) No motion is required |
10. Consideration of remits
11. Appointment of Patron |
There were no remits for consideration
The AGM will be advised Marist Rugby Club has nominated Eric Kenny as Patron of WBRU. Motion: “Eric Kenny be re-appointed Patron of WBRU” Moved: President D Bracewell |
12. | Appointment of Auditors | Motion approved.
Sellar and Sellar are appointed for a 3-year term ending 2022. |
13. | Appointment of President | No motion required.
The delegates have been advised there is only one nomination for President, Graeme Anderson. The Eketahuna Rugby Club has nominated Graeme Anderson and President. The President is appointed for a two-year period. The delegates are asked to vote to elect Graeme Anderson as President of WBRU as there is no election required Motion approved D Bracewell then stood down from Chair of the AGM to G Anderson to complete proceedings. G Anderson spoke to the AGM about D Bracewell’s contribution to WBRU and thanked |
14. Appointment of Vice President | The delegates have been advised there is only
one nomination for Vice President, Steve Thompson. The Gladstone Rugby Club has nominated Steve Thompson and Vice President. The Vice President is appointed for a two-year period. The delegates are asked to appoint Steve Thompson as Vice President of WBRU as there is no election required. Motion approved |
15. Life Membership | The WBRU Board had considered the Carterton Rugby Club’s nomination of Rex Playle for Life Membership of the Wairarapa Bush Rugby Union and Board was pleased to put forward Rex Playle as a Life Member of the WBRU.
President of the Carterton Rugby Club, Steve Hurley spoke to the nomination of Rex Playle. President G Anderson advised the delegates, the WBRU Board had spoken with members and the WBRU Life Members of the WBRU who have endorsed Rex Playle’s nomination. Motion: Rex Playle be elected as a Life member of the WBRU. Motion approved. Rex Playle then spoke to the delegates about the honour in receiving a Life membership and the support he has had over the years from his wife Barbara Playle, his family and the wider rugby community. |
16. Remuneration (if any) of Board members | Motion: The Chairman’s honourium be unchanged for 2022. This is a reimbursement for expenses incurred in the position and is set at $3,000.00 per annum Moved: G Anderson Delegate’s approved the motion |
17. | General Business | There has been no remits received for General Business |
18. | Closing of meeting | Meeting closed at 7.31pm |
29 March 2023
The Chairperson
Wairarapa Bush Rugby Union
Tena koe,
Wairarapa Wahine Toa
Women’s Rugby Incorporated
c/- 11 Bunny Street MASTERTON 5810
We are writing this letter on behalf of the newly incorporated Wairarapa Wahine Toa Women’s Rugby club to seek affiliation to the Wairarapa Bush Rugby Football Union.
Section 15.2 (a) of the WBRU constitution states that “application to join the Union must, if made on behalf of an incorporated body, be made in writing by the President/Chairperson and Secretary of such body”. The rules go on to state in section 15.2 (b) that clubs joining the union must be proposed by one and seconded by another of the Clubs and the Annual General Meeting. Contact will be made by Wairarapa Wahine Toa with the other affiliated clubs between now and Annual General Meeting.
Nikita Jackson (Secretary)
Wairarapa Wahine Toa Womens
Rugby Incorporated
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