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Highlights from the 52nd WBRU Annual General Meeting

Wairarapa Bush Rugby Union
Highlights from the 52nd WBRU Annual General Meeting

The Wairarapa Bush Rugby Union is pleased to announce the Wairarapa Wahine Toa were voted in as our newest affiliated club to the union.

Wairarapa Bush Rugby Union Chief Executive Tony Hargood said “this is a historic moment for both Wairarapa Bush and women’s rugby in the region.  The affiliation of the club is not something that happened overnight and would like to thank all the administrators, coaches and the players who over the last 4 years have built the foundations for a sustainable club model, and have created a pathway for our women and girls. It is a truly inspirational story and one we should all be proud of”.

Wairarapa Wahine Toa Chair, Jodie Somerville said “I’m incredibly proud of our wāhine and our kaupapa of growing and supporting them on and off the field. We have been fortunate to have some key people and partnerships from our patron Lyn Paterson through to our sponsors and of course the Union and the other clubs coming alongside to tautoko. We are thrilled to have achieved affiliation and are looking forward to future seasons.”

The AGM also took the opportunity the thank Shaun Draper, who after six years stepped down as Deputy Chair of the Council of Clubs and the WBRU Board. He was recognised for his passion for club rugby and the positive side of rugby in the community. Shaun was always the steady hand with his wisdom and the grassroots understanding of the game.

Other Highlights of the WBRU Annual General Meeting

Election of Officers and Appointments
Patron: Eric Kenny
Chair: Jason Carruthers
President: Graeme Anderson
Vice President: Steve Thompson
Independent Board Members: Robyn Cherry-Campbell, Brady Bingham, Sharon Parker and Jason Carruthers
Council of Club Board Members: Tavita Isaac, Charlie Bargh
Auditors: Sellar & Sellar

Registered Players
Playing Numbers 2,161 (Up 13%)
Junior Players 1,168 (Up 27%)
College Players 352 (Up 11%)
Senior Players 641 (Down 5%)

Financial Result
Net Surplus $434,542
Net Equity $1,725,249