Dates & Venues
- March 17th Monday Greytown Club 6pm last year Carterton
- March 19th Wednesday Memorial Park 6pm
- March 26th Wednesday Memorial Park 6pm Last night of Rugby Smart Course.
These are the dates for the COMPULSORY Rugby Smart Courses. All senior coaches head , assistant & managers in Senior competition and Senior Reserve grade MUST attend course .
Please can we make sure all information has been passed on ,also we will be in contact with clubs hosting the course for access to your clubrooms if your clubrooms are booked please let us know ASAP.
Council of Club rules state.
A. All teams must have a coach who has attended a Rugby Smart course prior to the start of the playing season. Assistant coaches and Managers must also attend a Safety Smart course prior to start of the playing season. One of the above must be present at all games before they (the team) are able to play in a game organised by the COC. This includes a player who has completed a rugby smart course and is registered as a coach in the NZRU data base and affiliated to the club concerned. The rugby smart official must be identified on the team card.
A list of those who have attended will be provided to all clubs prior to season commencement.
Failure to do so will result in the game being deemed a default.
A defaulting team shall forfeit the match and the opposing team will be awarded five competition points. A points for and against differential of 28-0 is recorded against the non-defaulting team.
As well the offending team will lose 2 competition points for the first breach of this rule and five competition points for every other breach of this rule in the same season.
Additionally the judicial committee can impose a fine under Rule 88(b) of the NZRU Disciplinary rules. Fines to carry a maximum of $500 and be charged against the club concerned.
Small Blacks Dates
- April 6th/7th Monday Greytown Clubrooms 6pm
- April 11th Friday Gladstone Complex 6pm
- April 13th Sunday Front Row Factory , Tackle Box Small Blacks, Memorial Park 10am (All under 8’s coaches if possible)
- April 23rd Tuhirangi 6pm Pirinoa
- April 27th Memorial Park 10am Front Row factory, Tackle Box , Small Blacks (All under 8’s coaches if possible)
- April 30th Eketahuna Small Blacks 6pm
Any problems let me know ASAP.
Stacey Grant
Event | Date | Details |
Rugby Smart Courses | March 17th Monday | Greytown Club 6pm |
Electronic team Card Training included on this night | March 19th Wednesday | Union Rooms 6pm |
Last night of Rugby Smart Course | March.26th.Wednesday | Union Rooms 6pm |
Small Black Courses | April 7th Monday | Greytown Clubrooms 6pm |
April 11th Friday | Gladstone Complex 6pm | |
Front Row Factory, Tackle Box, Small Blacks | April 13th Sunday | Memorial.Park.10am.(All.under 8’s coaches) |
April.23rd.Wednesday | Tuhirangi.Club.Rooms.6pm | |
Front Row Factory, Tackle Box, Small Blacks | April 27th Sunday | Memorial Park 10 am |
(All under 8’s coaches if possible) | ||
April 30th Wednesday | Eketahuna.Club.Rooms.6pm | |
Council.of.Clubs.Meeting | April 2nd Wednesday | Union Rooms 7 pm |
Wairarapa Bush AGM | April 14th Monday | Union Rooms 7 pm |
Wairarapa Bush Club Rugby Starts | April 5th Saturday | |
Both grades around the Wairarapa Bush Province | ||
Developing Rugby Coaches (DRC) Course Level 2 | March 24th Monday | Memorial Park 6pm Module (Planning) |
March 30th Sunday | Memorial Park 10am Module (Scrum) | | | ||
Queen’s Birthday Weekend | 31st May – 2nd June | NO CLUB RUGBY PLAYED |
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